Nutritional errors can be divided into two categories: cognitive and content.
Cognitive errors
Because developing a healthy relationship to food is a prerequisite for achieving a healthy diet, I will start with mistakes in thinking about food and nutrition.
First of all, I would say we expect too much from our diet. We consider food as medication and are disappointed when it fails to solve all our problems. Food is considered the best known prevention, but it is not a cure.
But food also has a psychosocial component because it is not only a nutrient and a tool for disease prevention, but also a source of pleasure and an opportunity for socializing.
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We are focusing on nutritional practices of dubious justification, which at best will not have a significant impact on health and sometimes have a negative impact on them. Because of that, we neglect the broader context of overall quality of nutrition, which will truly affect your health. There are no healthy and unhealthy foods. There are only healthy and unhealthy diets.
Dietary concerns can be exaggerated. If nutritional choices presents significant stress and / or do not allow you a normal social life, we are talking about orthorexia, that is, obsession with healthy eating. Instead of improving health, over-caring is negatively affected. As many say: we do not live to eat, but to eat to live.
Humans have a tendency to think “all or nothing”, as for everyday situations, also about food. Even the slightest deviation from the plan is often the reason for giving up. For example, we adhere fully to the default program or we do not adhere to it at all; we don’t eat chocolate, or we suddenly eat whole. The diet is not black or white. If you do a step back, after you did two ahead, it’s still one step ahead.
Patiently change your habits
Eating habits are not created overnight. Including both quality and undesirable. The pounds also do not accumulate overnight. Every dietary change is a process that must be persisted. Short-term results aren’t important as the long-term habits will affect health. One should not expect changes in one day, but patiently change habits.
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We seek advice in the wrong place. The Internet is a blessing and a curse in the same. It gives us instant access to all our human knowledge, but it does not control the quality of the content. Without a quality background in biology, biochemistry, physiology and psychology, it is not difficult to get lost in his drones and take alternative dietary paths. Considering that we all eat several times a day, many feel that qualified nutritionists are invited to share tips. And the internet is the perfect medium for the same.
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As you seek legal advice from a lawyer, seek nutrition advice from a nutritionist trained person.
It is common to create an ideology of everything, including nutrition. Individuals who think this way, choose a particular nutritional approach, mostly alternative ones, give it magical properties and defend it at all costs as the only correct ones. They are rejecting and fervently criticizing each other, often on unjustified moral grounds. You shouldn’t moralizing the diet because there are many ways to achieve a healthy diet. One, unique, perfect, optimal diet does not exist.
Content errors
Contrary to popular belief, the main nutritional problem in terms of content is not the excess intake of a single food or nutrient, but the insufficient intake of all those that our body needs. Instead of including as many foods as possible, we focus primarily on excluding them, believing that particular foods or their groups are responsible for their health problems. No food is poisonous; dose makes poison. An exclusive approach to nutrition diminishes diversity, the basis of its quality and your health.
Eating uniformity, that is, lack of diversity, is usually the result of habit, idleness, and fear of the new. We base our diet on a very small number of foods, which, in addition to curbing it, can also cause nutritional deficiencies.
We eat too much. We don’t lose weight from the air. We do not lose weight on bread, bananas or butter. Excess pounds are the result of energy imbalance, that is, energy intake that is higher than consumption.
Equally, we will not lose weight without an energy deficit. There are no foods that melt the pounds. Neither a low-carbohydrate (LCHF) or low-fat diet without an energy deficit will produce results. Kilograms melt a quality diet that provides acceptable satiety during “dieting” and a strong will to fight a body that wants to keep excess pounds at any cost, for the black days.
The advice I find almost universally helpful is to standardize the daily number and indicative content of the meal. This means that we know how many times in the day we will eat, that we avoid unnecessary snacking, and that we know roughly what should be on the plate. Don’t skip breakfast nor dinner, eat regulary.
Put more emphasis on plant-based nutrition. These include vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals and nuts. The more diverse, the more colorful, the better. Research undoubtedly shows that higher consumption of plant foods is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases. But, it is not necessary to become a vegetarian or a vegan to achieve a healthy diet.
Too much unverified information
We are overwhelmed by unverified nutrition information on all sides. Trends are, by definition, gone, so I strongly advise not to waste time, energy and health in following them. Healthy eating can come in many forms, but diversity, exclusivity and moderation are the foundation of everyone.
In order to achieve a healthy diet, it is not necessary to dig through the internet unconsciously in search of a trick that will make us healthy. Eating out can be easy if you are guided by expert advice. Nutrition is complex, but nutrition need not be.
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